hamza bin laden

Hamza Bin Laden, a boy with the title,  "Crown Prince of Terror" has released a message calling on all supporters to attack London, Washington, Paris, and Tel-Aviv. Hamza, who is known to support his father's reign of terror while alive advised their supporters to take the war away from the Middle East.

Director Rita Katz says Al-Qaeda is currently loosing their names to the new terror group, ISIS, and one of the ways they believed the name could be revived is using the Bin Laden name.


Spy chief believed that the boy had luckily escaped when the US navy seal shot his father and in the chest. According to intelligence, he was the closest person to his father and have been brainwashed about terror since his teenage years.

The boy was recently seen on the extremist website to mark the third anniversary of the London bombing that killed 52 people in July 7, 2005. In the anniversary , Hamza read a poem, where he called for attacks and the destruction of America, France  and Denmark, a sign that he had been groomed by his father.


Hamza was implicated in the assassination of Pakistani leader Benazir Bhutto in 2007.
